Core Lab Values
Who We Are
Members of our lab joined this lab because of a shared commitment to understand and improve human social experience and interaction through a scientific lens. Via lab meetings and impromptu informal discussions we develop research questions and provide each other with feedback to become better scholars. We are members of a team and as such we work hard to share and celebrate our successes and help each other problem-solve when challenges come our way. We build upon our shared values of intellectual curiosity and hard work to create a mutually-supportive environment that encourages all members to be better scientists who actively engage with our academic and broader communities.
Diversity and Inclusion
At the Human Diversity Lab, we prioritize inclusion and diversity in all aspects of lab life, from who we are to what we study. We are committed to an intellectual climate that is welcoming, challenging, and nurturing. As a lab we acknowledge and appreciate our differences as well as our similarities. We recognize that our strength, perspectives, and even research questions come from the whole of our experiences. In our lab we work together to create a space in which one’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, age, disability, national origin, and other aspects of our diversity are appreciated and respected.
Scientific Rigor
We strive to do the best science possible to address our research questions. In order to do so we believe that transparency and open science are critical features. In lab meetings we regularly discuss new papers describing how to improve research practices including study design and data analysis. We increasingly utilize (pre)registration and open data (when possible) and join large-scale collaborative projects to increase sample sizes and generalizability. As new developments occur we will continue to reassess and update our practices.